[BoulderCouncilHotline] Re: Impartial expert review panel

Morzel, Lisa MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Oct 18 14:29:10 MDT 2017


I think your suggestion has a lot of merit and should be considered by council. I plan to raise this item at our retreat.

In the past, I have raised the issue of having a scientific panel who would be available to evaluate the science, engineering, and variables involved in these types of complex decisions in an attempt to depoliticize some of the issues the city faces.

You are correct. Boulder cannot afford to move forward with wrong decisions.



Lisa Morzel
Member, Boulder City Council
303-815-6723 c
303-938-8520 h

On Oct 18, 2017, at 12:42 PM, Alan Delamere <wadelamere at comcast.net<mailto:wadelamere at comcast.net>> wrote:

Dear Boulder Council Members,
You had my sympathies during last night's deliberations from 10:15 to 10:45 pm.   I have a proposed solution for the situation you experienced.  It follows legislative best practices.

During over 50 years as an aerospace engineer, I have created and reviewed specifications and proposals, been on National Academy of Sciences review Boards and on NASA proposal review panels. I know of many other Boulder citizens with similar scientific and engineering professional experiences.

The current Council problem is that you are trying to deliberate scientific and engineering inputs from stake holders in the Hogan-Pancost and CU South annexation proposals.  Both annexation proposals have significant long-term impacts to our flood hazards and ecology of Boulder.  The consequences of getting it right or wrong are very high.  None of you are practicing in the required disciplines of geology, hydrology and civil engineering to be able to adjudicate an un-biased, informed decision on these matters at Council.
Best legislative practices, by other governing bodies in similar situations, usually require the assembly of an impartial expert review panel.  Such a panel should be solicited from the most qualified candidates in Colorado and the U.S.  Those serving will be paid for their professional services.  The panel’s report is subject to peer review, as is standard scientific and engineering practice.  Data and interpretations are available for public review.  Council can then adjudicate appropriately with informed expert opinions, in consideration of the trade-offs and consequences.  This is best legislative practice.

Could you all please consider taking this important step of voting to assemble an expert scientific and engineering panel before further expenditures of our valuable human and political capital on the annexation decisions?  These decisions will most likely determine your historical legacy in serving the people of Boulder.

Alan Delamere

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