[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: BVCP reference to Native American history

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu May 25 08:31:00 MDT 2017

Sender: Young, Mary

Dear Colleagues, Planning Board and Hotline followers,

In a previous hotline post I had requested that language in the BVCP planning history acknowledge Boulder's Native American past in alignment with the Indigenous People's Day resolution. That language fits best in another section within chapter 1 right after the planning history.

Please consider changing the title of the section (as shown below) and adding the initial paragraph (also shown below.)

Thank you.

Boulder Today and Tomorrow
As  of  January  2015,  the  City  of  Boulder  (Area  I)  had  approximately  44,725  housing  units, 104,800  residents  and  98,500  jobs.  The  remainder  of  the  Service  Area  (Area  II)  had approximately  5,700  housing  units,  12,000  residents  and  3,000  jobs.  About  30,000  students attend the University of Colorado.

Over the next 25 years, Area I is projected to add about 6,500 housing units, 19,000 residents and 19,000  jobs.  CU  student  enrollment  could  increase  by  5,000  to  15,000  by  2030.  Most  of  the growth that will occur in Area II will be preceded by annexation to the city; therefore, is included in the projection numbers for Area I. Since there is little vacant land left in the city’s service area, most of this growth will occur through redevelopment.

Change to:

Boulder its Beginning, Today and Tomorrow

ADD PARAGRAPH: The Arapaho Indians lived on the plains of Colorado beginning in the 1790's. Chief Niwot and his people spent the winters in the Boulder Valley until their displacement upon the establishment of the Boulder City Town Company on February 10, 1859. Much has changed in the ensuing two centuries.*

As  of  January  2015,  the  City  of  Boulder  (Area  I)  had  approximately  44,725  housing  units, 104,800  residents  and  98,500  jobs.  The  remainder  of  the  Service  Area  (Area  II)  had approximately  5,700  housing  units,  12,000  residents  and  3,000  jobs.  About  30,000  students attend the University of Colorado.

Over the next 25 years, Area I is projected to add about 6,500 housing units, 19,000 residents and 19,000  jobs.  CU  student  enrollment  could  increase  by  5,000  to  15,000  by  2030.  Most  of  the growth that will occur in Area II will be preceded by annexation to the city; therefore, is included in the projection numbers for Area I. Since there is little vacant land left in the city’s service area, most of this growth will occur through redevelopment.

*References: Chief Left Hand by Margaret Coel and the bronze statue in front of the county courthouse commemorating Chief Niwot and the Southern Arapaho (photo attached.)

Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council

"All ethics . . . rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts . . ." - Aldo Leopold
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