[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Questions for Ordinance 8164
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Feb 10 08:49:36 MST 2017
Sender: Burton, Jan
Following are the questions I have for the second reading of Ordinance 8164, to revise the energy conservation and green building requirements
., as published in the February 7 Council materials, page 84.
1. Why are we repealing an international code, IECC 2012, to adopt a Boulder specific code (2017 Boulder Energy Conservation Code)? What are the advantages to the city and our residents? What will be the costs to maintain our own code?
2. In addition to the estimated costs referred to in Attachment B, what is the estimated cost of other requirements (landscaping, etc.), and how will it change the cost of building or additions (estimated percentage)?
3. Has anyone put a pencil to the total cost increase brought for all of our actions in impact fees, linkage fees, energy codes, etc. (What percentage cost increase will we see, and how will it end up in end user rents?)
4. What budget will provide early adopter initiatives?
5. I couldnt find the July 19 memo referred to in the packet as Attachment G. What I would be interested in is the specific stakeholder feedback, and in particular, any feedback about costs of this new code. I am interested in what our architects, contractors, and developers think this code will do to the overall cost of construction, both commercial and residential as well as any thoughts to phase-in timing.
Jan Burton
Member of City Council
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