[BoulderCouncilHotline] Retreat priorities

Brockett, Aaron BrockettA at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Dec 19 16:55:35 MST 2017

Hello everyone. I will be brief with my list of priorities for the council retreat and our 2018 agenda. I feel that generally our action plan is on target, so I won't list all the items that I agree we should continue working on, but will stick to a few top priority issues:

  *   Make Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU's) more achievable. I'm glad this initiative is underway and I want to make sure we continue moving it forward and finish the effort, hopefully in the early part of 2018.
  *   Allow for subdivision on larger lots in exchange for smaller homes. The city continues to see many smaller, older homes being scraped and replaced with very large houses, particularly on large lots. We could allow for the possibility of subdividing the lot if there was a deed-restriction placed on the new lots that limited the size of the resulting homes. As suggested by the Landmarks board, subdivision could also be an alternative if a lot has a historic, unlandmarked home on it if the owner agrees to landmark the older home in exchange for the subdivision.
  *   We had two action items that emerged from the Comprehensive Plan update that I would like to see pursued at some point: 1) encouraging the creation of walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods along the 28th and 30th Street corridors by allowing more housing potential on sites that are currently occupied by older strip malls (this could include the creation of affordable commercial space); and 2) enabling some housing and more retail under certain circumstances in the business parks on the east side of town.
  *   Pursue our Vision Zero efforts more aggressively to improve safety for all modes of transportation in town. One particular focus area I would like to see is creating bike boulevards on quieter streets in town to give another safe biking/walking alternative (in additional to our multi-use paths) off of our main roads.
  *   Check in regularly on the new Homelessness Strategy in 2018 to make sure it is working as intended and tweak or change the plan if necessary.
  *   Work on broadband options this year so that we can present a fully-formed plan to the voters in the fall of 2018.

I look forward to our discussion on these items at the retreat!


Aaron Brockett

Mayor Pro Tem, City of Boulder

brocketta at bouldercolorado.gov

(720) 984-1863
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