[bouldercouncilhotline] FW: Edited and ready for prime time.

cmosupport cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Aug 28 11:09:27 MDT 2017

From: Carr, Thomas
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 3:12 PM
To: HOTLINE <HOTLINE at bouldercolorado.gov>
Cc: Garnett, Stanley <sgarnett at bouldercounty.org>; Booth, Katharina <kbooth at bouldercounty.org>
Subject: FW: Edited and ready for prime time.

CAC requested that we ask District Attorney Stan Garnett to come to Tuesday's meeting.  Unfortunately, Stan will be on vacation next week.  First Assistant District Attorney will attend.   She is the former head of the sex crimes unit and very knowledgeable on this issue.  Stan spoke this morning with Mayor Jones.   He agreed to put his thoughts in writing.  I am forwarding his email.
From: Garnett, Stanley<mailto:sgarnett at bouldercounty.org>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 1:20 PM
To: Jones, Suzanne<mailto:JonesS at bouldercolorado.gov>
Cc: Carr, Thomas<mailto:CarrT at bouldercolorado.gov>; Booth, Katharina<mailto:kbooth at bouldercounty.org>
Subject: DA position of SVP ordinance


As we discussed yesterday, First Assistant DA Katharina Booth will appear for me at Council meeting Tuesday. She will be prepared to answer any questions and, as you will see, she has an impressive knowledge of Colorado's sex offense statutes, sentencing scheme and parole process.

My office position, which you are free to make as public as you wish, is that post-conviction supervision of sex offenders in a community is a very important issue and there are some problems with the current system. However, they are problems that must be addressed at a state level, by the legislature, by Parole and by others and there is little that a municipality can do through ordinance that is helpful to the primary goal of public safety. Though there is some superficial appeal to efforts to exclude SVPs from parts of the community, such an ordinance does little to help  track and monitor sex offenders once they are placed in our community and, in fact, may hamper that effort by encouraging the sex offender to lie about his whereabouts. Obviously keeping sex offenders away from residences near schools is important, though I believe the parole requirements already address this issue. I also am glad that the Homeless shelter will accept sex offenders since that gives us an address for them to be located.

It might be helpful for the City to request that the Boulder delegation to the legislature undertake a close review of sex offense statutes with an eye toward improving public safety, and the sense of public safety, once an offender is released into the community. Among the issues that could be reviewed would be how the SVP designation is made, since it is our observation that there is some inconsistency in this process. And, of course, whether there are mechanisms in place to assure full review of the file by parole before a release decision is made.

Katharina is fully empowered to speak for me and the office and I stand by whatever position she takes next Tuesday.

Let me know if you have questions. I do not leave town until Sunday.

Stan Garnett

District Attorney, 20th Judicial District
President, Colorado District Attorneys' Council
P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306
303.441.3798 (direct)
303.668.3113 (cell)
sgarnett at bouldercounty.org<mailto:sgarnett at bouldercounty.org>
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