[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Comments/Questions on Draft BVCP Policies

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Apr 11 14:13:22 MDT 2017

Sender: Young, Mary

Dear Staff, Colleagues and Hotline Followers,

Attached and below are refinements, comments and suggestions on the Draft BVCP we will be reviewing tonight. I am sending ahead in the interest of time. Thank you.


Comments & Refinements

By Chapter/Section

Ch. I and II

Boulder Planning History - First bullet point should highlight Native American origins of Boulder per Indigenous People's Day resolution p. 153

6500 housing units and 19,000 jobs, is that current zoning or through proposed land use changes? p. 154

Sustainability Principles - chg “cultural equity” to racial and ethnic equity, cultural equity has no meaning p. 155

Principles of Social Sustainability – in 3 places chg cultural(ly) and social(ly) to racial(ly) and ethnic(ly) p. 155, 156

Sec. 2 Built Environment

2.11 Accessory Units – chg“increase rental housing” to “increase long-term rental housing options and homeownership affordability”p. 181

2.12 Preservation of Existing Res Uses chg “or replacement in-kind” to “and no net loss of units affordable to 150% AMI or below”p. 181

2.13 Preservation Archaeological Sites... add “sacred Native American sites” to list p.189

Sec. 5, Economy

In intro text focused on high end employees, to recognize whole spectrum, chg to: Boulder's quality of life, natural environment 
 independent business are the foundation for a highly diverse workforce and the foundation of its economic vitality. p. 205

5.02 Regional Job Center – section contradicts itself (sustainability goals and projected employment growth), language of section should recognize that a regional job center, by definition, will always have incommuters and therefore a jobs/housing imbalance. p. 206

5.04 Vital and Productive Retail Base chg to Vital and productive Restaurant and Retail Base and make corresponding changes to body. p. 207

New Policy: Affordable Business Space chg“strategies, regulations”to“strategies, incentives, regulations”

Sec. 6 Transportation

New Policy: Transportation Safety (i.e. walking, bicycling, riding), is “riding” an error? p.213

New Policy: Access Management and Parking ADD paragraph: The city values all people that make up its workforce and recognizes that, for some, the lack of choice in travel options can have an inequitable economic impact on wages. The city will develop creative strategies to minimize this impact. p. 214

6.09 Integrated Planning for Regional Centers and Corridors – As part of policy implementation create ex-officio member to TAB p. 215

New Policy: Complete Missing Links – ADD at end of sentence “or if there is a determination of inequitable access.”p. 215

6.11 Transportation Facilities in Neighborhoods – ADD at end of sentence “as well as the Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program.”p.215

New Policy: Mobility Hubs – locate policy such that it is not mentioned in text prior to its initial appearance in text.

Sec. 7 Housing

In intro, replace “a less culturally diverse” with “a less socioeconomically diverse”p. 218

ADD to Housing trends facing the community: Rapidly increasing property taxes; and in the therefore section ADD a bullet item that recognizes people who have long lived in a particular home have a right to stay in their homes and not be displaced by inability to pay rising property taxes. p. 218

7.02 – question: is 10% of housing stock pegged to a point in time quantity? p. 219

New policy Market Affordability is unnecessary as policies on permanently affordable units imply creation of market rate. p.221

7.07 Preserve Existing Housing Stock ADD to end to minimize displacement and net loss to <150% AMI p. 220

Sec. 8 Community Well Being and Safety

Intro – chg “other culturally diverse people” to “racially and ethnically diverse people” p. 222

8.03 Equitable Distribution of Resources – chg “accessible and affordable” to accessible, available and affordable”; ADD immigration status to populations p.223

8.05 Diversity – Chg “The city and county will support the integration of diverse cultures and socio-economic groups into physical, social, cultural and economic environments.” to “The city and county will support inclusion of racial and ethnic diversity regardless of socio-economic status into physical, social, cultural and economic environments.”p.224

New Policy: Tolerance and Respect chg to Mutual Respect and corresponding change in body – tolerance has negative connotation p. 225

New Policy on Community and Affordable Childcare somewhere on p. 226 – skyrocketing cost of childcare increasingly affects affordability of everything else.

Sec. 9 Agriculture and Food

New Policy that recognizes the Farmer's Market as a city institution such as others: Chautauqua, BMOCA and Dairy; all have long term contracts/leases with the city. Farmer's market is year to year.

New Policy that recognizes contribution of farmers. Market is often displaced by other events without consideration to the implied disrespect and economic impact this has on farmers whose income is already precarious.

Sec. 10 Local Governance and Community Engagement

New Policy: Respect for Longstanding Rules and Norms – City Council, like other bodies at higher levels of government, operate with unwritten rules and norms. City council members, as part of their service, will respect longstanding rules and norms that contribute to comity and checks and balances.

Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council

"All ethics . . . rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts . . ." - Aldo Leopold
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