[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Homelessness Budget

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Sep 13 12:49:40 MDT 2016

Sender: Yates, Bob

Council Colleagues:

Because we have allocated two-and-a-half hours to the entire city budget tonight and we have much to talk about, I'm a concerned that we will not have sufficient time this evening to fully discuss the $2.9 million budget addendum for homelessness that we recently received from city staff.  So, I provide below my preliminary comments to that homelessness budget addendum:

1.  First, I am happy to see the city staff following the request of City Council that we provide incremental services for those homeless people who truly want and need help.  We have underfunded these services for many years and we are finally responding to the community demands--and the moral imperative--that we take concrete and efficient steps to mitigate the adverse impacts of homelessness, both on the unhoused and the housed.

2.  With that said, I am disappointed by the allocation of the incremental dollars proposed in the recent budget addendum.  Setting aside the contingent $1.9 million in capital proposed to build a integrated resource center some day, city staff is proposing an incremental $1 million for homelessness programs and services.  While this $1 million may be appropriate, it is allocated to the wrong places, as evidenced by the fact that our leading service providers--Bridge House, Boulder Shelter for the Homeless, Clinica, and Mental Health Partners--have each written us expressing their disappointment and objections.  In some instances, they say that they have not been consulted.  When those who are providing the very services that we hope to support tell us that we have gotten it wrong, we have probably gotten it wrong.

3.  Specifically, nearly $800,000 of the incremental $1 million proposed in the budget addendum could be put to more effective and efficient uses.  This includes:

(a) $326,000 for three new city staff members to be tasked with coordination, analytics, and administrative support;

(b) $386,000 for a mobile mental health unit; and

(c) $80,000 for a summer survey and meeting facilitation.

4.  Rather than spending nearly $800,000 on new projects and more city staff, I would much rather see the money applied to effective programs that are already in place but that are underfunded and which we are in danger of losing.  Our highest priority must be to get homeless people off the street, both for their safety and for the well-being of the 99 percent of our community who are housed and who pay for these programs.  If we are going to spend more taxpayer money, we must do so effectively and in collaboration with--not in competition with--our existing and highly-competent homeless service providers.

So, this evening, I will ask city staff to sit down with our principal service providers and arrive at better and more effective uses of funds that directly and immediately reduce the adverse effects of homelessness on everyone in our community.



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