[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Re: City and Trump Admin
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Nov 14 07:27:11 MST 2016
Sender: Burton, Jan
Im truly sorry I started this by asking Mr. Scott some questions to get his perspective on the recent election. I dont think Mary owes an apology at all, and I hope this conversation can be done in a more productive fashion. Mr. Scott, feel free to contact me via my phone number on the city website.
Jan Burton
Member of City Council
From: Jann Scott <jannscottlive at gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 11:46 AM
To: "Young, Mary" <YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov>, "Burton, Jan" <BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov>, "Carr, Thomas" <CarrT at bouldercolorado.gov>
Cc: Council <Council at bouldercolorado.gov>, "stan.garnett at gmail.com" <stan.garnett at gmail.com>, HOTLINE <HOTLINE at bouldercolorado.gov>, "officeofthepresident at cu.edu" <officeofthepresident at cu.edu>, "PELLEJ at bouldercounty.org" <PELLEJ at bouldercounty.org>, "commissioners at bouldercounty.org" <commissioners at bouldercounty.org>
Subject: Re: City and Trump Admin
I want to address the facts concerning the Trump Administrations policies for Sanctuary cities. and Miz Youngs attack on me.
I demand an apology from Mary Young for her outrageous racist attack on Me or I want her removed as pro temp Mayor
I realize she is feeling sensitive since she is a Latino activist and wears her racism on her sleeve.... But she decided to put her attack on the council Hotmail , I am going to out her on TV and the internet in response.
I don't know how you ended up with a racist pro temp Mayor with dubious ties to Latino terrorist groups such as La Raza... but Boulder council always seems to go that way.
Also Miz Young headed up our Planning board and come to find out she is responsible for all of the overbuilding in Boulder too. as you know i am not in favor of density and Urbanisation an other reason for her attack.
FOR THE RECORD; I don't really give a shit if Boulder is a sanctuary city or not.
During the Reagan Bush years the INS was very active in Boulder. They had routine sweeps, picked people up loaded them onto buses and deported them straight into Mexico or whatever country they came from. All the Trump Administration has to do is change the current policy on deportation and act on existing federal laws ...
Trump has said in policy statements that he will increase the INS and his first area of concern are Sanctuary cities. They have published a map of every Sanctuary city in the United States. these are the cities they're coming after first. Trump clearly plans to increase the number INS and border patrol agents. Boulder CO is on their list. It will be a scramble for undocumented workers, and illegal aliens to avoid Trump Administration Sweeps. Both myself and other blogger investigators have been looking at this very issue.. it will come down to how to resist! how to find or how to get documentation ..but they have a lot of federal agencies at their disposal :
INS, Border Patrol ,US Marshal Service, FBI Homeland Security,..If Rudy Giuliani heads up the justice department and it seems inevitable that he will, one only has to look in his policies as district attorney and mayor in New York City to see what's coming. Do not expect the love test Comet due process or anything reasonable that you're used to from the Obama Administration
CUT IN FEDERAL FUNDING the Trump policy papers clearly state that they will cut federal funding to sanctuary cities... they can do that....
The feds have done it before and use this kind of leverage over states and cities routinely every day in all sorts of matter...
On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 11:42 PM, Jann Scott <jannscottlive at gmail.com<mailto:jannscottlive at gmail.com>> wrote:
Mary et all
Thank you for your candid words
Your racism shows through like a new age Crystal
Who are you anyway?
Do you know who I am? This is my town. You work for me.
You don't like my used to the term illegal Aliens? Too bad. It's a legal term...
There is illegal entry into the United States people get deported for that...
Up until now United States has been pretty lenient is about to change... YouTube Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani the new ANS and the new border patrol get to Boulder.... I'm just the messenger you don't like the message tough
But before you start blasting citizens and journalists you better check your mouth and your legal ground because I eat old windbags like you for lunch
On Nov 12, 2016 2:30 PM, "Young, Mary" <YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov>> wrote:
Mr. Scott,
First, let me begin by telling you that NO human being is illegal.
Second, to shroud your personal sentiments as an ability to "read public sentiment" is pure unadulterated hubris.
Third, what many "aging boomers" are looking for in terms of housing is to age in place, i.e. remain in their current homes. Many are deeply concerned about rising property taxes and how this could impair their ability to do so and have been writing council to do something about it.
Fourth, I am a first generation U.S. Citizen and of proud Mexican heritage, a brown person who takes these remarks as insulting and ignorant about immigrants' lives. I suggest you explore your own family's roots and, unless you are Native American, you, too sir have roots in immigration.
Your wishful thinking and inflammatory prognostications are not helpful at a time when so many people have been left feeling so vulnerable.
I believe that our community is compassionate, please dig deeply for yours.
Mary Dolores Young
Mayor Pro Tem
Boulder City Council
On Nov 11, 2016, at 11:50 PM, Jann Scott <jannscottlive at gmail.com<mailto:jannscottlive at gmail.com>> wrote:
This info was gathered from a news blog from the Trump Team
Here you will see that the city of Boulder,The Sherif , the county and the University is being targeted for enforcement by the US govt, Us attorney, INS office of Budget..
They are going to cut everybody s funding in the county if you continue to be a sanctuary city
Here is a Boulder Blog that popped up this year wriiten secretly by a Boulder homeowner who has a growing following.
This person hates all of the New Urbanization... And is quite astute as to what is coming..He she posts on Lost of Federal funding to Boulder for being a Sanctuary city.
This is Boulder Colorado<https://www.facebook.com/This-is-Boulder-Colorado-159619270859580/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED> added 2 new photos<https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=706576782830490&id=159619270859580>.
1 hr<https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=706576782830490&id=159619270859580> ·
In his contract with America, Trump has promised to cancel ALL federal funding to sanctuary cities. In case you're wondering, yes, Boulder is a sanctuary city. In addition to refusing to honor requests for immigration detainers, including ICE detainers for illegal immigrants with criminal history, Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett is on the record everywhere as an outspoken advocate for vulnerable illegal immigrants who are crime victims and "proudly accepted the title" of sanctuary city for Boulder.
Does this mean federal funding for roads, housing, schools, hospitals, shelters and transportation ends for Boulder after the first of the year? Or will Trump be more targeted...like ending funding for immigration sptStay tuned. This is bound to get interesting.
#bouldercoloradosanctuarycity<https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/bouldercoloradosanctuarycity?source=feed_text&story_id=706576782830490> #bouldercoloradotrump<https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/bouldercoloradotrump?source=feed_text&story_id=706576782830490>
[his is Boulder Colorado's photo.]<https://www.facebook.com/159619270859580/photos/pcb.706576782830490/706575966163905/?type=3>
[his is Boulder Colorado's photo.]<https://www.facebook.com/159619270859580/photos/pcb.706576782830490/706575976163904/?type=3>
<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpermalink.php%3Fstory_fbid%3D706576782830490%26id%3D159619270859580&width=500" width="500" height="741" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 12:37 PM, Burton, Jan <BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov>> wrote:
I have a feeling this will be difficult to get the current Council on board with, but I agree with you. Thanks so much for this exchange.
Jan Burton
Member of City Council
From: Jann Scott <jannscottlive at gmail.com<mailto:jannscottlive at gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, November 11, 2016 at 12:18 PM
To: "Burton, Jan" <BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov>>
Subject: Re: City and Trump Admin
Hi Jan
sure thing.
If there is anything I can do to help.. let me know.. I am pretty good at drafting initiatives and reading public sentiment.
And this is something the council needs to be aware of right now..
You have a large Silent white working class population , and Boomer generation who feel like their needs are not being met , yet have paid all of the Boulder taxes over the past 20 years
On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Burton, Jan <BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov>> wrote:
VERY fair coaching. Thank you very much!
Jan Burton
Member of City Council
From: Jann Scott <jannscottlive at gmail.com<mailto:jannscottlive at gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, November 11, 2016 at 11:50 AM
To: "Burton, Jan" <BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov>>
Subject: Re: City and Trump Admin
Hi Jan
If an undocumented worker has taken an American citizens job in Boulder and someone feels they lost their job because of an illegal Mexican, I think that person "will help pay for their bus ticket back to Mexico" although INS busses and Border Patrol busses are free. but that is the sentiment.
I think people will have a fit if taxpayer money is used to supplement housing for illegals...
The question is "why can't they pay for it themselves , we do?"
an example of that is when Vietnam boat people , cambodians and Laotians and Hmong came to Boulder in the 1970s and 80s.. Churches sponsored them, but more importantly.. these proud Asian refugees , banded together, rented their own apartments, took minimum paying jobs, lived together, saved their money, bought homes. and businesses all over the usa. and sent their kids to Universities.
Another problem is.. you have a huge number of Boomers who turned 70 this year and they will all need housing over the next decade.. and the city has not addressed that.... these will be the first people to complain
i think it is important for the council to not misread the sentiments that are out there..... Boulderites now have license to speak their minds about housing and jobs lost to illegal Mexicans...
So my suggestion is what ever you do.. you have to first do it for American citizens in Boulder... and announce it as such... first not as an after thought...
something like:
"In the spirit of fairness and decency the city of Boulder wants to ensure that all of our citizens have fair and equal access to housing and jobs.
Starting with older Boomers. the city is launching an initiative for housing for Boomers over 70.. and a new jobs initiative Boulder hires Boomers..
bla h blah blah
On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Burton, Jan <BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:BurtonJ at bouldercolorado.gov>> wrote:
I think we saw that in the election. Question: do you think people in the City of Boulder would support deportation of un-documented workers? And an alternative question, would they support using tax payer money to supplement housing for them?
Jan Burton
Member of City Council
From: Jann Scott <jannscottlive at gmail.com<mailto:jannscottlive at gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, November 11, 2016 at 10:47 AM
To: Council <Council at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:Council at bouldercolorado.gov>>, "commissioners at bouldercounty.org<mailto:commissioners at bouldercounty.org>" <commissioners at bouldercounty.org<mailto:commissioners at bouldercounty.org>>, Stanley Garnett <sgarnett at bouldercounty.org<mailto:sgarnett at bouldercounty.org>>, Jared Polis <jared at jaredpolis.com<mailto:jared at jaredpolis.com>>, "Testa, Greg" <TESTAG at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:TESTAG at bouldercolorado.gov>>, "PELLEJ at bouldercounty.org<mailto:PELLEJ at bouldercounty.org>" <PELLEJ at bouldercounty.org<mailto:PELLEJ at bouldercounty.org>>
Subject: City and Trump Admin
And all
I noticed the city last night announce to Citizens that everyone should feel safe here in spite of the Trump Administration
I don't think that's necessarily true.
If the Trump Administration boost up the INS and tells them to come in to Sanctuary cities like Boulder you are not going to be able to stop them.
Boulder PD cannot interfere with them either
There is a history in Boulder of non-cooperation with the DEA and INS...
It is no secret that Boulder County Law Enforcement does not like the DEA.
I personally don't think Donald Trump will interfere with Boulders marijuana operations because his recent statements about pot was that he would leave it up to the states to decide however an illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities this is a serious Republican concern and you can bet your bottom dollar that the Trump Administration will Target Boulder for being a sanctuary City.
I suspect the Trump Administration will show up the wall on the Mexican border Kama they will put in more cameras, and they will hire 10 - 20000 more border patrol and INS agents.
As far as Muslims go and mosques in Boulder County.
With Rudy Giuliani as Attorney General you can be assured that the FBI will be active on the University of Colorado campus with Muslim student groups and in any Muslim mosques in the city count on it
After 9:11 re-interviewed Agents from the Denver FBI office and they told me that they were not only active on the University of Colorado campus but they were actively deporting Islamic students without cause
As far as oil gas fracking farming agriculture beef GMOs go that is another lost cause for the city
Colorado has lost over 6,000 oil and gas jobs for Working Class People. The city will be powerless to stop any of this.
I think the biggest threat you will face will be deportation of illegal Mexicans in the city but you have to understand there are a lot of hard feelings toward these people.. a lot of American citizens both white and brown do not support illegals in our city.
They have taken over Trucking, Concrete, Construction And road jobs.. not to mention Landscaping. illegal Mexicans have put Boulder Construction American businesses out of business. I have interviewed them they are not happy.... these are Working Class People Not educated class like you so I realize it's hard for you to understand the death of American citizens who lost their companies to Illegal Mexicans welcome the deportations in will infect assistant help with the deportations so they can get their companies back do you understand this part
This is the Crux of it this is what you're faced with
>From Jann Scott CEO Channel 1 Networks<http://c1n.tv> & Boulder Channel 1<http://c1n.tv/boulderchannel1/>.
Desk: (303) 447-8531<tel:%28303%29%20447-8531>
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>From Jann Scott CEO Channel 1 Networks<http://c1n.tv> & Boulder Channel 1<http://c1n.tv/boulderchannel1/>.
Desk: (303) 447-8531<tel:%28303%29%20447-8531>
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I put people on TV, invented the 3 minute business video package, build and manage websites, SEO, web banners, Twitter, Facebook, You tube, Fix bad reviews, Produce TV shows for you, run ad campaigns in Boulder and the world. We manage PR campaigns, and do PR for local stars.
>From Jann Scott CEO Channel 1 Networks<http://c1n.tv> & Boulder Channel 1<http://c1n.tv/boulderchannel1/>.
Desk: (303) 447-8531<tel:%28303%29%20447-8531>
Film Location Phone: (720) 621-7750<tel:%28720%29%20621-7750>
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I put people on TV, invented the 3 minute business video package, build and manage websites, SEO, web banners, Twitter, Facebook, You tube, Fix bad reviews, Produce TV shows for you, run ad campaigns in Boulder and the world. We manage PR campaigns, and do PR for local stars.
>From Jann Scott CEO Channel 1 Networks<http://c1n.tv> & Boulder Channel 1<http://c1n.tv/boulderchannel1/>.
Desk: (303) 447-8531<tel:%28303%29%20447-8531>
Film Location Phone: (720) 621-7750<tel:%28720%29%20621-7750>
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I put people on TV, invented the 3 minute business video package, build and manage websites, SEO, web banners, Twitter, Facebook, You tube, Fix bad reviews, Produce TV shows for you, run ad campaigns in Boulder and the world. We manage PR campaigns, and do PR for local stars.
>From Jann Scott CEO Channel 1 Networks<http://c1n.tv> & Boulder Channel 1<http://c1n.tv/boulderchannel1/>.
Desk: (303) 447-8531
Film Location Phone: (720) 621-7750
[http://c1n.tv/images/social/facebook_icon.png]<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jann-Scott-the-TV-talk-host-writer-personality/116912788324432?ref=hl>[http://c1n.tv/images/social/twitter_icon.png]<https://twitter.com/jannscott>[http://c1n.tv/images/social/c1ntv.png][http://c1n.tv/images/social/pinterest.png]<http://www.pinterest.com/boulderchannel1/jann-scott-live/>[http://c1n.tv/images/social/plusgoogle.png]<https://plus.google.com/u/4/114149054195830597433/posts> [http://c1n.tv/images/social/youtube_icon.png] <http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI1d2MpysygPSLiTWJ5uOug>
I put people on TV, invented the 3 minute business video package, build and manage websites, SEO, web banners, Twitter, Facebook, You tube, Fix bad reviews, Produce TV shows for you, run ad campaigns in Boulder and the world. We manage PR campaigns, and do PR for local stars.
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