[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Potential Amendment to Ordinance 8154 (Short Term Rentals)

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Nov 9 14:24:26 MST 2016

Sender: Carr, Thomas

Our enforcement staff has made a request for a potential additional amendment to the short term rental update.  The code currently permits revocation as an alternative sanction to a penalty.  Staff recommends that it be the primary sanction for obtaining a license for a property that is not the licensee's principal residence.  In addition, while revocation has long been an available sanction for long term rentals, it has never been used.  Thus, the question arose about what happens after suspension.  Staff thought that it would be helpful to have language in the code that provided for a minimum suspension period and a standard for reapplication.  The attached proposed amendment includes a six month minimum suspension period and a requirement that the applicant demonstrate compliance before a new license is issued.

In addition, a question arose about whether council might wish to adopt ordinance 8154 by emergency.  Adding a new proposed definition of "principal residence" will assist with a number of pending enforcement issues.  In addition, there are a number of people waiting to take advantage of the new provisions relating to trusts and not for profit corporations.  I have attached a draft of an amendment that would make ordinance 8154 effective immediately.

Tom Carr
City Attorney
(303) 441-3020

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