[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Fwd: Important FLAP Update: Enivironmental Exception

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue May 10 09:51:38 MDT 2016

Sender: Morzel, Lisa

Council members,

Please see message below from Elijah Henley of Federal Highway Administration, regarding the FLAP grant.  Council discussed this last week and decided to conditionally move forward in applying with other local governments.  A question arose about off-refuge trail alignments if sampling at access points showed unacceptable levels of contamination.



From: <Elijah.Henley at dot.gov<mailto:Elijah.Henley at dot.gov>>
Date: May 10, 2016, 9:31:16 AM MDT
To: <thoby at jeffco.us<mailto:thoby at jeffco.us>>, <nyork at co.jefferson.co.us<mailto:nyork at co.jefferson.co.us>>, <WagnerD at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:WagnerD at bouldercolorado.gov>>, <swashburn at arvada.org<mailto:swashburn at arvada.org>>, <hcronenb at CityofWestminster.us<mailto:hcronenb at CityofWestminster.us>>, <kpritz at broomfield.org<mailto:kpritz at broomfield.org>>, <gershmanm at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:gershmanm at bouldercolorado.gov>>, <jmoline at bouldercounty.org<mailto:jmoline at bouldercounty.org>>, <jrounds at bouldercounty.org<mailto:jrounds at bouldercounty.org>>, <lisamorzel at gmail.com<mailto:lisamorzel at gmail.com>>, <mdavis at bouldercounty.org<mailto:mdavis at bouldercounty.org>>, <ginny.brannon at state.co.us<mailto:ginny.brannon at state.co.us>>, <todd.hartman at state.co.us<mailto:todd.hartman at state.co.us>>
Cc: <andrew.valdez at amecfw.com<mailto:andrew.valdez at amecfw.com>>, <david_c_lucas at fws.gov<mailto:david_c_lucas at fws.gov>>, <Nick_Kaczor at fws.gov<mailto:Nick_Kaczor at fws.gov>>, <nathan_caldwell at fws.gov<mailto:nathan_caldwell at fws.gov>>, <Jamie.Archambeau at atkinsglobal.com<mailto:Jamie.Archambeau at atkinsglobal.com>>, <Andrew.Iltis at atkinsglobal.com<mailto:Andrew.Iltis at atkinsglobal.com>>, <joy at cig-pr.com<mailto:joy at cig-pr.com>>, <laurie.miskimins at dot.gov<mailto:laurie.miskimins at dot.gov>>, <chris.kehmeier at state.co.us<mailto:chris.kehmeier at state.co.us>>
Subject: Important FLAP Update: Enivironmental Exception

Hi Everyone,

I was debriefing the Lead Planner for FLAP in our office on the status of the RMG application, and I asked if there would be any exception given to off-refuge trail alignments if soil samples came back too high.  The answer is 'yes' so long as the purpose and need of the project doesn't change (direct access to the Refuge).  Off-refuge alignments would then become eligible as a means to mitigate the hazard.

This issue came up at last week's Boulder City Council, and at the time, I didn't think there was any exceptions to the project having to provide direct access.  I've already communicated this policy update to Boulder and Broomfield, and I wanted to inform the rest of you so you can pass the info onto your Commissioners and Council Members.  This is really good news.  It gives us even more flexibility to work toward the best alignment for the project.

If you have any follow up questions, please let me know.

Thx.  Elijah

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