[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Additional data for 4-5-16 Municipal Court Report re: Homelessness and Camping

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Mar 31 11:51:48 MDT 2016

Sender: Cooke, Linda

Hello Mayor and Members of City Council,

I have prepared some additional data for this topic on April 5th.  Since it can be helpful to have some lead time to digest data, I am providing it to you in advance.

Attached is a table with a representative sample of 20 municipal court defendants who have been offered housing notwithstanding their criminal histories in municipal (and perhaps other) courts.  Those who were "offered housing" include people who were placed at Lee Hill, Ft. Lyon, Ready to Work, in other subsidized housing, and several who are self-pay in market rate units.  Since at least one person on this list declined subsidized housing when it was offered, I chose the term "offered housing."  (Incidentally, that one individual, with assistance from court staff, qualified for several sources of federal monetary assistance and frequently stays in a motel at his own expense.)

I also reported on the employment status of these individuals.  Half of them are employed, three as a result of participating in Ft. Lyon or Ready to Work. The others have some type of condition that has allowed them to qualify for SSDI (Social Security Disability Income) benefits.  The ones that are "retired" are aged 67-71.

I look forward to discussing this topic with you next week.


Linda Cooke
Presiding Judge
Boulder Municipal Court
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