[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: NREL tour

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Mar 30 12:14:45 MDT 2016

Sender: Morzel, Lisa

Tomorrow, a quorum of council members are going on a tour of NREL arranged kindly by Mr Westby, a retired emerita from NREL.  Unfortunately this meeting was not publicly noticed and thus the general public has no knowledge of this meeting nor the ability to attend. Then last night after council, I learned several individuals from a special interest group would be carpooling this quorum of council members to NREL.  While I appreciate the good intentions of all, I request that the tour to NREL scheduled for tomorrow morning be rescheduled to a date where the tour is publicly noticed properly. 

I have decided not to attend tomorrow's tour due to a lack of public notice and hope we can follow proper notice procedures in the future. 


Lisa Morzel,
Member, Boulder City Council


"We interact with one another as individuals responding to a complex haze of factors: professional responsibilities, personal likes and dislikes, ambition, jealousy, self-interest, and, in at least some instances, genuine altruism.  Living in the here and now, we are awash with sensations of the present, memories of the past, and expectations and fears for the future. Our actions are not determined by any one cause; they are the fulfillment of who we are at that particular moment.  After that moment passes, we continue to evolve, to change, and our memories of that moment inevitably change with us as we live with the consequences of our past actions, consequences we were unaware of at the time." The Last Stand, Nathaniel Philbrick

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