[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Rail Safety Issues - specific and general

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Jun 9 11:27:35 MDT 2016

Sender: Weaver, Sam


As you know, I have previously expressed serious concerns about rail safety in Boulder as we build out many residences and businesses near our rail tracks.  My business is located near the crossing at 55th Street, so I see and hear trains multiple times every day.  The recent repair of the 55th Street crossing has been a great improvement for local motorist and cyclists.

One of the mechanical engineers who works with me was stopped at the rail crossing at 55th Street by a passing train today, and noticed major swaying of every rail car that crossed a certain point near the 55th Street rail crossing.  Concerned enough to investigate after the train had passed, he snapped the attached photos of the point causing the obvious tilting displacement of the rail cars.  This rail coupling is about 20 feet east of the crossing at 55th Street.

In addition to reporting this to BNSF, and hopefully inspecting it with our responsible engineers as well, I would like to request a safety update to Council regarding the following issues:

1)      Hazardous materials being transported through Boulder: schedule knowledge and potential re-routing

2)      Boulder as a quiet zone for rail crossings

3)      City role in preventing derailments, including rail inspections

I know that we do not have many train derailments in Boulder, and I hope we can keep it that way.  Given the hazardous and explosive materials being transported through Boulder multiple times every day, as well as the new construction around the tracks, I think we need to be more diligent than ever at pursuing rail safety.

All the best,

Sam Weaver
Member of Boulder City Council
weavers at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:weavers at bouldercolorado.gov>
Phone: 303-416-6130
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