[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Proposed Motion Language re: Twin Lakes Facilitated Process

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Feb 29 15:41:17 MST 2016

Sender: Richstone, Susan

Dear council members,

Below please find proposed motion language with some additional edits to the motion sent yesterday by Council Member Mary Young.  This motion is based on a conversation with Mary from earlier today and includes:

1.     The addition of "open and transparent" to the introductory statement.

2.     Revisions to #1 to focus the areas of expertise to that consistent with the types of analyses that would inform a land use map change (as opposed to the types of analysis that would occur as part of a site review or annexation request).

3.     Revisions to #2 to add "intensity and community benefit"


Move that BVCP Requests #35 and #36 be further considered and analyzed, with the following request: That Boulder County Housing Authority, Boulder Valley School District, and Twin Lakes Action Group engage in an open and transparent facilitated discussion comprised of representatives of each group who are vested with the authority to speak for and bind their respective constituents. Each group should have equal representation and the discussion should be facilitated by an independent facilitator selected by the City of Boulder, with facilitator compensation shared between the City of Boulder and Boulder County.

The three groups are expected to do the following, with the timing of work to align with the BVCP process:

1.    Jointly formulate recommendations for areas of expertise and selection of experts to inform the desired land use patterns for the area.   The areas for study should include the suitability for urban development, desired land use patterns, and environmental constraints.

2.    Jointly recommend the appropriate range of potential housing units with consideration given to intensity and community benefit, regardless of who holds title to the property.

3.    Following the outcome of the BVCP process and 1 and 2 above, jointly recommend a timeline for the formulation of a set of guiding principles to inform next steps.

While Council requests these groups engage in such good faith facilitated discussions, the failure of such discussions, for any reason, shall not affect Council's determination that BVCP Requests #35 and #36 be further considered and analyzed.

Susan Richstone, AICP
Deputy Director for Planning,
Planning, Housing + Sustainability
City of Boulder
1739 Broadway, 4th Floor / Boulder, CO 80302
mail: PO Box 791 / Boulder, CO 80306-0791
email: richstones at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:DriskellD at bouldercolorado.gov>
office: (+1) 303.441.3271

From: Young, Mary
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2016 11:30 AM
Cc: EJones; sdavis at boulder.net<mailto:sdavis at boulder.net>; wwilliford at bouldercounty.org<mailto:wwilliford at bouldercounty.org>; Bergman, Heather
Subject: Proposed Motion Language re: Twin Lakes Facilitated Process


Below is the proposed motion regarding the Twin Lakes land use change requests that we plan to bring forward on Monday night. Motion language was informed by city staff, Heather Bergman, emails that we received from the Boulder County Housing Authority and conversations with Twin Lakes Action Group.


Move that BVCP Requests #35 and #36 be further considered and analyzed, with the following request: That Boulder County Housing Authority, Boulder Valley School District, and Twin Lakes Action Group engage in a facilitated discussion comprised of representatives of each group who are vested with the authority to speak for and bind their respective constituents. Each group should have equal representation and the discussion should be facilitated by an independent facilitator selected by the City of Boulder, with facilitator compensation shared between the City of Boulder and Boulder County.

The three groups are expected to:

1. Jointly formulate guidance and/or recommendations for selection of experts to provide data and analysis to inform the potential land use designation, with timing to align with the BVCP process

2. Jointly recommend the appropriate range of potential housing units, regardless of who holds title to the property, with timing to align with the BVCP process

3. Following the outcome of the BVCP process and 1 and 2 above, jointly recommend a timeline for the formulation of a set of guiding principles to inform next steps

While Council requests these groups engage in such good faith facilitated discussions, the failure of such discussions, for any reason, shall not affect Council's determination that BVCP Requests #35 and #36 be further considered and analyzed.

Mary Dolores Young
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Boulder

Bob Yates
Member of the Boulder City Council

"All ethics . . . rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts . . ." - Aldo Leopold

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