[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: RE: Boulder Chamber Letter to City Council - Liquor Occupancy Tax: Relief Request for Local Breweries , Wineries and Distilleries
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Dec 5 11:46:46 MST 2016
Sender: Jones, Suzanne
Dear Andrea et al
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention (and to Bob Yates for underscoring its timeliness by texting me about it).
We can bring this issue up under Matters at tomorrows Council meeting (tho it wont be til quite late in the evening). We will see where the rest of Council stands, and depending on the outcome, could give direction to staff about our preferred course of action, which could then theoretically be voted on by emergency ordinance at our final meeting of the year on December 13th.
Based on the information I know at this time, it does seem reasonable to me that we could come to a better outcome along the lines being suggested that is fairer to our local microbreweries, wineries, and distilleries.
Thanks again for raising this timely issue. I am going to post this response and your original letter to Hotline so the public can follow this issue as well.
Suzanne Jones
Mayor, City of Boulder
(720) 633-7388
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From: Andrea Meneghel<mailto:andrea.meneghel at boulderchamber.com>
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2016 10:43 AM
To: Council<mailto:council at bouldercolorado.gov>
Cc: Brautigam, Jane<mailto:BrautigamJ at bouldercolorado.gov>; John Tayer<mailto:john.tayer at boulderchamber.com>
Subject: Boulder Chamber Letter to City Council - Liquor Occupancy Tax: Relief Request for Local Breweries , Wineries and Distilleries
Importance: High
Dear Mayor and Members of Council,
Sorry for the urgency and immediacy that is associated with the letter attached to this email.
The Boulder Chamber is writing to you with a request to take action on the Liquor Occupancy Tax at your meeting tomorrow night. Please see the attached letter which lists the issue, concerns and request, signed by the Boulder Chamber and 14 local businesses.
Our local craft beer, wine and distilling industry appreciates your ability to address this important issue.
Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions.
Andrea Meneghel
Director of Public Affairs
Boulder Chamber
Direct: (303) 938-2077
andrea.meneghel at boulderchamber.com<mailto:andrea.meneghel at boulderchamber.com>
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