[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Homelessness Bus Tour

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Aug 1 14:52:51 MDT 2016

Sender: Rahn, Karen

We want to provide information regarding the bus tour tonight and apologize for any confusion about public participation.  I'd like to clarify what the plans and limitations are for this evening. We have received guidance from the City Attorney's Office that this is not a public meeting. Similar to the Portland trip, it is the city's interpretation that this is an informational/educational session only. While there will be more than two council members on the tour bus, there is no official action before them on this topic, and as a result, there was no requirement that the meeting be legally noticed, that minutes be taken or that seats be made available for every member of the public who has an interest in attending. The meeting was publicly noticed out of an abundance of caution and to insure transparency.

At the same time, we understand the considerable public interest in this issue and in the tour itself. In the interest of transparency, staff has created tour packets, and they will have some of these available to hand out tonight. We hope to have a sufficient number to accommodate all requests for the packet, but we are not sure how many to expect so it is possible we may have to follow up with others later if a large crowd gathers. Packets are also posted on the city's website and can be accessed at this link:  https://www-static.bouldercolorado.gov/docs/homelessness_tour_packet_online_v2-1-201607291335.pdf

It is our understanding that some individuals may choose to follow the bus in their personal vehicles. Our streets are public and they are, of course, permitted to do so, but we want people to understand that the city has not made arrangements to manage parking or traffic-type impacts. In addition, they will be unable to hear staff presentations that will be occurring on the bus itself. As a result, this experience may be less than satisfactory for them.

Staff are prepared to arrange subsequent debriefs if there are interested community members or groups.  These individuals should contact Wendy Schwartz at 303-441-1818 for more information or to schedule a specific time and day.

Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions. We look forward to seeing you this evening.

Karen Rahn
Director, Human Services Department


O: 303-441-3161<tel:303-441-3161> | M: 720-289-1745<tel:720-289-1745>
RahnK at BoulderColorado.gov<mailTo:RahnK at BoulderColorado.gov>

Human Services
909 Arapahoe | Boulder, CO 80304
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