[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Food Truck Park Process Info. (2775 Valmont)

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Jun 1 15:39:22 MDT 2015

Sender: Ferro, Charles

Members of Council,

Per this morning’s Council Agenda Committee discussion, staff has prepared the following process related information regarding the proposed food truck park at 2775 Valmont Rd.:

·       For the purposes of applying zoning, the proposed food truck park would be considered a combination of a “tavern with an outdoor seating area of 300 square feet or more within 500 feet of a residential zoning district,” which requires a Use Review to operate in the BC-1 zone, and a “Mobile Food Vehicle” use, which is permitted to operate subject to the conditional use standards found in section
 9-6-3(d) of the Boulder Revised Code.

·       The proposed ordinance would allow the food trucks to locate within 150 feet of the existing restaurant to the east (the code currently does not allow this) however, the code still requires a Use Review for the proposed tavern/ outdoor seating area.

·       Pursuant to section 9-6-1, “Schedule of Permitted Land Uses,” B.R.C. 1981, “taverns with an outdoor seating area of 300 square feet or more within 500 feet of a residential zoning district” require a Use Review to operate in the BC-1 zone district. Use review is the discretionary review process to determine whether the impacts of a proposed use are appropriate for the surrounding area. Such uses must be found to meet the applicable review criteria listed in section 9-2-15, B.R.C. 1981.

·       Applications for Use Review are reviewed through the city’s formal process. On average, this review process usually takes approximately three months to complete depending on
 the quality and completeness of the initial application submittal. Following review of the application, staff will make a decision to either approve or deny the application. Following staff’s initial decision, there will be a 14-day call-up period during which time the Planning Board or a member of the public may choose to call-up staff’s decision. If called up, a public hearing will be scheduled within 60 days. Following the public hearing, Planning Board will make a final decision to approve or deny the application.
 A Planning Board decision not called up by City Council is final 30 days after the date of the decision.

·       In addition to the Use Review criteria, “Restaurants, Brewpubs, and Taverns With Outdoor Seating Within 500 Feet of a Residential Use Module” are also subject to conditional
 use standards found in section 9-6-5(b)(4), B.R.C. 1981 , listed below:

a)     Size Limitations: Outdoor seating areas shall not exceed the indoor seating area or seating capacity of the restaurant or tavern.

b)     Parking Required: Parking in compliance with Section
 9-9-6, "Parking Standards," B.R.C. 1981, shall be provided for all outdoor seating areas except those located in general improvement districts.

c)     Music: No outdoor music or entertainment shall be provided after 11 p.m.

d)     Sound Levels: The outdoor seating area shall not generate noise exceeding the levels permitted in Chapter 5-9, "Noise," B.R.C. 1981.

e)     Trash: All trash located within the outdoor dining area, on the restaurant or tavern property, and adjacent streets, sidewalks, and properties shall be picked up and properly
 disposed of immediately after closing.

·       Neither a neighborhood meeting nor a management plan is required for the proposed use however, staff strongly recommends that the applicant prepare a management plan in accordance with Section 9-2-4, B.R.C. 1981 and hold a meeting with nearby residents to hear concerns from neighbors and to share the proposed management plan prior to Use Review submittal. The Management Plan would ultimately be incorporated into the Use Review approval
 (and would become a regulatory document for enforcement purposes).

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Charles Ferro, AICP
Development Review Manager 
City of Boulder - Department of Community Planning + Sustainability
303.441.4012 - Direct
303.441.3241 - Fax
ferroc at bouldercolorado.gov
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