[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: September 1, 2015 CC Meeting--Item 8B: HEAL Cities and Towns Campaign Information

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Aug 31 09:21:42 MDT 2015

Sender: Plass, Tim

I have requested that CAC add an item under Matters for Tuesday’s meeting to consider directing staff to prepare a  resolution for Boulder to become part of the HEAL (Healthy Eating/Active Living) Cities and Towns campaign. 

The campaign is a collaboration between the Colorado Municipal League and Livewell Colorado to promote, as its name suggests, community health. While Boulder is already engaged in many of the HEAL activities, I believe that our participation could be valuable in several ways: bringing issues of community health to the fore; strengthening the connection between local food and good nutrition, receiving training and technical assistance, increasing chances for funding, and giving a boost to the overall Heal Cities and Towns Campaign in Colorado.

Here is a link to the Livewell website for more information: http://livewellcolorado.org/healthy-policy/heal-cities-and-towns/policies

Thank you for your consideration.

Tim Plass
Boulder City Council Member

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