[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: The hard work and dedication of our foresters is appreciated
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Sep 4 08:27:08 MDT 2014
Sender: Cowles, Macon
Kathleen, I want to pass along compliments that I heard about you and your forestry staff yesterday at the Whittier annual party in Jess Fitzpatrick Park.
One person in a group of about eight people commented that the Forestry Department of the COB has never been so well functioning as it is now: efficient, giving prompt attention to issues out in the field and responding quickly to inquiries about the things
under your direction. This person ascribed this to you personally.
Someone else then volunteered that the care of medians along 28th Street has gone from neglect to care and nurturing from staff. I did not even know that you had jurisdiction over medians there! This person said that concerns expressed about the median
in the past had fallen on deaf ears at the City, and said that now residents are thanked when they bring problem areas to the attention of Forestry.
Someone else on Mapleton expressed appreciation for the new street trees that have been put in to replace various dead or dying trees in the parkway. They commented on the "neat, professional job of mulching" the trees by staff that replaced the dead ones.
I then offered a contribution to the discussion, and showed the group[ the photos that I sent Forestry of young street trees with long gashes in the bark from bicycle locks in front of the Bohemian Biergarten and Shine on 13th St. The photos showed the
skinned and imperiled trees on Monday, and then the protection that your staff installed with cages on Wednesday, two days later.
You deserve a lot of credit, as do those who work under you. We are working under financial constraints, and everyone always wishes that they could do more, that we could do more. But you are an example of another terrific employee, working for the City.
So your City thanks you, Kathleen.
There is a big and important role for Forestry to play in the Council goal from the January retreat: "Explore a policy regarding residential street trees."
With the onslaught of the Emerald Ash Borer that is likely to wipe out 15% of the canopy in Boulder, we should turn this into an opportunity to plant some new street trees, for the next generation, that will make Boulder's streets places of beauty and
grace. We need your advice and direction on trees, and what to plant, because the trees shape the street, and can transform streets from being mere thoroughfares into being outdoor rooms, with a sense of enclosure. Suzanne Jones and Lisa Morzel gave me the
book, Street Design by Victor Dover and John Massengale, analyzing what makes streets that people love around the world. There is an aspect ratio to streets: height of adjacent buildings to width of the street. 1:1 is a ratio that is comfortable to
humans. But even when the street is too wide, or the buildings are the wrong height, well chosen street trees can create that sense of enclosure. The authors give an example of East 70th Street in New York City.
The right trees planted at regular intervals can turn our streets into places that people love--and that is likely true even of our most difficult streets, such as Canyon Boulevard.
Anyway, the purpose of this email was to pass along the thanks and praise that many people have for your work and that of the Forestry staff. And the purpose is also to let you know that there is an additional chapter in the life of our City that we would
like you to help write.
Very truly yours,
Macon Cowles
Boulder City Council Member
1726 Mapleton Ave.
Boulder, Colorado 80304
CowlesM at bouldercolorado.gov
(303) 447-3062
(303) 638-6884
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