[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Response to CAC question regarding Consent Agenda Item 3G

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Jul 22 15:00:14 MDT 2014

Sender: Vasatka, Elizabeth

I was asked to follow-up on an item that was raised at CAC this morning regarding the July 22 Consent Agenda Item 3G: an amendment to the intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between the City of Boulder and Boulder
 County for additional funding for commercial energy efficiency rebates,  The question asked was: Why does adding city CAP tax to the Commercial EnergySmart program involve amending the IGA?

The City of Boulder is requesting an amendment to the existing, approved 2014 IGA
 for the administration of Commercial EnergySmart rebates by Boulder County.  The City wants to increase the funding amount for commercial rebates received through the EnergySmart program, so we can meet the demand of our Boulder business customers making energy
 efficiency improvements.  

The main goal of the original  intergovernmental agreement between the City of Boulder and Boulder County regarding the Better Buildings grant award was to create a framework for the city/county partnership that outlines how the residential and commercial EnergySmart
 programs would be administered.  Now that the Federal grant has sunset, and the county has built-out the EnergySmart program infrastructure, and contributes to contribute approximately $1.2 million for supporting county-wide residential and commercial EnergySmart
 services and rebates.  Much of these resources are received by city residents, property owners and businesses.

Key to achieving this goal was the development of one point of contact for residents and businesses seeking out EnergySmart services, to help both manage the delivery of these services county-wide and to also provide increased ability to
 manage multiple program funding sources. 
Currently, Commercial EnergySmart rebates are funded through city CAP tax dollars ($280,000 in approved IGA, adding another $150,000 in this amendment) and the county general fund ($150,000 county-wide allocation). Rebates are distributed
 by a county-hired and contracted third party processing firm. The city’s CAP Tax contribution to the rebates is allocated through the IGA. On a monthly basis, the Boulder County Finance Department invoices the city for the amount of rebates provided the previous
 month to Boulder businesses, and that invoice is paid with CAP tax funds.
The city cannot distribute any portion of the Commercial EnergySmart rebates outside of the IGA.  Later this year,
LEAD staff will be working with the City Attorney’s Office and the purchasing division to develop a more efficient way to add funding
to the Commercial EnergySmart program.
Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding the City/County IGA amendment.

Thank you, 
Elizabeth Vasatka
Business Sustainability Coordinator 
Local Environmental Action Division (LEAD)
City of Boulder, Community Planning + Sustainability 
office: 303.441.1964
vasatkae at bouldercolorado.gov

Elizabeth Vasatka
Business Sustainability Coordinator 
Local Environmental Action Division (LEAD)
City of Boulder, Community Planning + Sustainability 
office: 303.441.1964
vasatkae at bouldercolorado.gov

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