[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Code of Conduct, First Reading Questions and Comments--Jan. 21, 2014 Packet

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Jan 24 17:43:19 MST 2014

Sender: Cowles, Macon

All page references are to the page number of the 140121 packet.

Gifts to Public Officials, p. 11, lines 10-16.

I would think that discounts off prices available to the public should also be prohibited.

Action taken by public officials with respect to former employees, p. 13, lines 2-4.

Six months is a very short time. I would think that one year would be more in line with other restrictions we have, such as the period of time that must pass after retirement before a former Council member can address the City Council.

What does this mean: the last sentence of subparagraph (e), p. 13, lines 19-20?

Consent to Sue, pp. 15-16, carryover paragraph.

I agree with Matt's statement that no consent of the Council should be required for a public official to sue the City for a number of things: tort, breach of contract, etc. But I believe that to the extent consent is required, the requirement should apply
 to spouses and domestic partners of public officials as well.

Rudeness is prohibited, apparently, see p. 17, lines 7-8, as fleshed out on p. 21 Line 10.

While rudeness should be discouraged, and is never helpful, and usually just pours fuel on the fire, should that be a punishable offense?

Nepotism rule, p. 18, lines 7-8 and p. 22, line 2.

These subparagraphs prohibit a public employee from participating in the decision to hire relatives for any City position. But this invites a broader question: What is the nepotism rule in the City? How many instances, and in what departments, do we have
 people working where there is a relative who also is employed by the City?

Reference to a provision in the BRC leads to a dead end.

P. 22, subparageraphs (y) and  (z), lines 21-24 refer to BRC Section 2-7-8(f)(20). I cannot find such a section in the Code, or in the proposed amendment. What is the correct reference?

Macon Cowles
Boulder City Council Member

1726 Mapleton Ave.

Boulder, Colorado 80304
CowlesM at bouldercolorado.gov
(303) 447-3062
(303) 638-6884

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