[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: A couple of quick links and documents for retreat

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Jan 8 10:06:03 MST 2014

Sender: Weaver, Sam

Fellow Council members,

As brief background context for our retreat discussions, I thought you might like to spend a few minutes looking at these web links and attached spreadsheet and document.

Visualization of our world carbon emissions budget and remaining fossil carbon (1-page):


Visual of sources and sinks of carbon emissions (1-page):


Overview of German carbon emissions reductions and dynamics through energy switching:


The attached simple spreadsheet is one that I put together last year to make some rough estimates of where we are headed as a community in terms of residents, jobs, and in-commuters given planning projections based on our current zoning.  It is not exact, but helps paint a picture of the course we are on.

Finally, attached is a white paper by Leonard May and me making some estimates of what an 80% reduction by 2050 in carbon emissions will require.  Boulder has adopted an even more ambitious goal than our 80% reduction from estimated 2017 levels by setting the reference year at 1990.  In short, this translates to 5%+ compounded annual reductions, which will require every took in the toolbox, big and small.  The white paper is 14 pages, but synthesizes a lot of diverse sources into a thesis on how much, how fast based on estimated impacts.

All the best,

Sam Weaver
Member of Boulder City Council
weavers at bouldercolorado.gov
Phone: 303-416-6130
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