[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: RE: P&DS Advisors

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Sat Dec 20 15:35:48 MST 2014

Sender: Young, Mary

Hi Charles, 

A few questions have come to mind:

1. How are advisors selected?

2. Can a non-industry professional member of the public become an advisor?

3. Are the meetings noticed?

4. Are the meetings open to the public?

5. Are they recorded, and if they are, where can the public find the audio?

6. Are meeting minutes kept? If they are, please provide links to the minutes.

7. What kind of business and/or process improvements/suggestions have resulted from these meetings?

8. Who from staff attends the meetings?

Thank you.

Wishing you the best for a happy holiday season,

Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council Member
From: Ferro, Charles
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 9:39 AM
To: Young,  Mary
Cc: Assefa, Samuel; Rait, Maureen
Subject: RE: P&DS Advisors

Hi Mary:
The current list of advisors can be found below.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Advisory Board Members:
Jack Rudd (BOZA)
Kirsten Snobeck (LB)

Nick Rehnberg
Garth Braun
Jeff Dawson
Bill Holicky
Dale Hubbard
Chris Shears

Bruce Dierking
David Packard

Building Contractors:
Phil Shull (Deneuve Construction)
John Wyatt (Wyatt Construction)

Civil Engineers:
Mark Hageman
Charlie Hager

Commercial Broker:
Lynda Gibbons

Commercial Developer:
Lou DellaCava
Stephen Tebo
Jeff Eckert
Mike Boyers

Green Builder:
Doug Parker
David Neiger

Home Builders
George Russell
Ryan Hibbard
Kim Calomino
Kevin Knapp, Boulder Housing Partners

Landscape Architect:
Carol Adams

Land Use Consultant:
Vince Porreca

Major Employers:
David Ziegert, Sr. Director, Operations, Celestial Seasonings
Clarence Crosby, Director, Facilities and Support Services, Ball Aerospace

Neighborhood Representatives:
Steve Wallace (Whittier)
Michelle Bishop (Goss-Grove)

Realty/Property Management:
Ken Hotard
Kyle McDaniel

Residential Developers:
John Kovall
Joel Smiley
Mike Onofrio
Josh Feister

Tony Brown

-----Original Message-----
From: Young, Mary
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 10:11 PM
To: Ferro, Charles
Cc: Assefa, Samuel; Rait, Maureen
Subject: Re: P&DS Advisors

Hi Charles, thank you for the information. Would you please also provide a list of current advisors?


Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council

> On Dec 8, 2014, at 6:29 PM, "Ferro, Charles" <FerroC at bouldercolorado.gov> wrote:
> Hi Mary,
> I understand that there was a question at CAC this morning regarding the P&DS Advisors. Below is a description of the purpose and function of the group. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions.
> Best,
> Charles
> P&DS Advisors are a customer / stakeholder group that is convened by staff on a quarterly basis.   This group provides feedback to the P&DS management team about the development review, technical document, building permit and inspection processes.   Discussions provide opportunities for customers to offer suggestions about business-process improvements and provide feedback on changes proposed by staff.
> Sent from my iPhone

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