[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: First reading questions re Financial Disclosure

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Apr 1 15:09:12 MDT 2014

Sender: Darrow, Alisa

Here are the state requirements:







On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Appelbaum, Matt <Appelbaumm at bouldercolorado.gov> wrote:

Colleagues – I raised most of these after a CAC meeting, but never quite got around to putting them on Hotline:
13-2-3 (b)(2): maybe it’s implicit, but might it be helpful to specify “realized” capital gains so that it’s clear that increases in value of some asset don’t count unless the asset
 is sold? (Actually, an increase in value could be important, I suppose, but there is often no way to quantify it, and us ordinary folks don’t track it anyway).
Also (b)(2): this would seem to require reporting of income even from excepted funds, which the feds don’t require. Why bother? Could be a lot of work that tells you absolutely
 nothing useful.
Also (b)(2) and in the definition of “excepted funds”: it’s not clear to me if something very simple like interest from a bank account is “excepted” (unless this is a “common trust
 fund of a bank”). And, again, why report income of >$1000 from a bank account?
(b)(3): Why limit this to “for profit” companies? If I work for, or am on the board of, a non-profit that owns real property in Boulder, that sure seems to me to be something that
 should be disclosed

Finally, although you gave some examples of one particular definition from other states, how about providing some examples (or links to them) from other jurisdictions in Colorado?
  The state of Colorado has rules for executive/legislative members; how do our proposed rules substantively differ, and why?  And does Boulder County (or any county, since they appear to not be under the state rules noted above) require any sort of disclosure?
 How about other cities in the Denver metro area?
Thanks --Matt







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"Politics is what we create by what we do, what we hope for, and what we dare to imagine."

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