[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Boulder Junction Easements (Agenda Item 3.H)
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Mar 19 10:06:41 MDT 2013
Sender: Ferro, Charles
Council Member Plass:
Thanks for your question at the Council Agenda Committee meeting this morning regarding the Boulder Junction easements.
New easements will be dedicated as part of the attached Construction & Maintenance Agreement (C&M) between the City and the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe railroad
(BNSF) (referenced on pg. 184 of your packet). BNSF is currently processing the dedication of 3 easement agreements, one of which is for the replacement easement B (as required by the C&M).
The City has provided payment for the easement acquisition and BNSF has acknowledged that they have all the necessary materials to complete their process. Staff inquired
two weeks ago regarding BNSF�s expected timing for the easement dedications. Per the attached email, it is estimated that it will take approximately 30 days, well in advance of the effective date for the proposed vacations (early May).
Please feel free to contact Chandler Van Schaack at 303-441-3137 or via email at
vanschaackC at bouldercolorado.gov with any additional questions.
Charles Ferro, AICP
Development Review Manager
City of Boulder - Department of Community Planning + Sustainability
303.441.4012 - Direct
303.441.3241 - Fax
ferroc at bouldercolorado.gov
New Services Center hours begin on January 7th!
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.& Tuesday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
LUR & TEC application appointments are also now available.
I submitted the file to my management team late last week. That being said, the easements should be signed in approximately 30 days (the file is reviews 3 times before it is presented to BNSF). Once executed,
the Title and Escrow team will contact you and send the originals.
In the meantime, please call or e-mail me with any questions. I appreciate your efforts as well!
Jones Lang LaSalle - Proud Real Estate Partner of BNSF
Matt Webb
Associate Transaction Manager
Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc.
4300 Amon Carter Blvd. Suite 100
Fort Worth, Texas 76155
Tel: 817-230-2604
Fax: 312-416-9668
matt.webb at am.jll.com
LinkedIn Profile
From: May, Alex [mailto:MayA at bouldercolorado.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 6:34 AM
To: Webb, Matt (US)
Cc: Merz, Lindsay; Van Schaack, Chandler; 'Downing, Walter J.'; Poe, Erin
Subject: RE: Final Executed C&M Agreement Pearl DOT 244815B, MP 27.83 Boulder, CO
I am ccing a staff member in our Planning and one in our Transportation Dept related to items in support of the vacation process that they are working on. Also attached a color scan of the final C&M to compliment
the B/W scan I sent you last week.
What is the expected timeline for the three easement agreements and three memorandums of easements execution? As you are aware, we have already provided the check for the new easements acquisitions, so would
assume that once executed, you would send us our originals at that time? Please confirm.
We are progressing on the related vacations, with target effective date in early May, due to required multiple City Council readings/approvals of the vacation ordinance and supporting process. As you are aware,
this expected City process timeline was the reason for extending the deadline on page 89 of the attached C&M to 90 days (from 30 days initially) regarding the requirements in the agreement related to the vacations listed in the 4th paragraph under
Recitals (pg 1 of pdf), and Article III (17) (pg 8 of pdf). We want to make sure that we synchronize the easement vacations as soon as possible following receipt of the new easement dedications, and be able to explain in our Council memo the sequencing of
Please let us know any feedback or thoughts on how this would typically be timed from your perspective?
Thanks again for all you support on these ROW items Matt. Your and Walt�s efforts on these matters have been greatly appreciated!
Alex L. May, P.E.
Transportation Project Manager
City of Boulder Public Works - Transportation
P.O. Box 791
Boulder, Colorado 80306-0791
(303) 441-3269 voice
(303) 441-4271 fax
From: Webb, Matt (US) [mailto:Matt.Webb at am.jll.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:53 AM
To: May, Alex
Cc: 'Amparan, Andy J (Andy.Amparan at bnsf.com)'; 'Johnson, Brian L'; Premo, Shawn R; 'Gene Eliassen (gene.eliassen at bnsf.com)'; 'Brown, Hayley E'; Poe, Erin; Downing,
Walter J.; Merz, Lindsay; Westhusin, Stephany; Webb, Matt (US)
Subject: RE: Final Executed C&M Agreement Pearl DOT 244815B, MP 27.83 Boulder, CO
Thank you for the e-mail. I believe I have everything I need and will begin processing the easements today.
Jones Lang LaSalle - Proud Real Estate Partner of BNSF
Matt Webb
Associate Transaction Manager
Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc.
4300 Amon Carter Blvd. Suite 100
Fort Worth, Texas 76155
Tel: 817-230-2604
Fax: 312-416-9668
matt.webb at am.jll.com
LinkedIn Profile
From: May, Alex [mailto:MayA at bouldercolorado.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Webb, Matt (US)
Cc: 'Amparan, Andy J (Andy.Amparan at bnsf.com)'; 'Johnson, Brian L'; Premo, Shawn R; 'Gene Eliassen (gene.eliassen at bnsf.com)'; 'Brown, Hayley E'; Poe, Erin; Downing,
Walter J.; Merz, Lindsay; Westhusin, Stephany
Subject: Final Executed C&M Agreement Pearl DOT 244815B, MP 27.83 Boulder, CO
Importance: High
Per discussion with Andy this morning, please find attached fully executed copy of the C&M Agreement for this project. I scanned in black and white, due to file size if in color. I believe the execution of the various three easement agreements
and memorandum of easements can now be processed by your office. The check for the amount of the easements was transmitted previously. I believe we have addressed any outstanding matters on the ROW acquisition component of this. Please let me know if there
is anything further you need on this, or if you have any questions.
Andy, Walt, Erin, All- thank you for your efforts in gaining completion of this important item! It is much appreciated as we work to complete new public improvements in this redeveloping part of Boulder.
Alex L. May, P.E.
Transportation Project Manager
City of Boulder Public Works - Transportation
P.O. Box 791
Boulder, Colorado 80306-0791
(303) 441-3269 voice
(303) 441-4271 fax
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