[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Questions for staff for item 5B

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Feb 4 16:07:52 MST 2013

Sender: Wilson, Ken

I have the following questions regarding suggested changes to the ordinance suggested by Planning Board.  These changes are stated at the bottom of page 156 of the Packet for tomorrow night.  The paragraph beginning:
 "Planning Board suggested a change to separate by size ..."
For a 20,000 sf threshold for identified uses, Use Review is required over the threshold.  Regarding the criteria
 for approval,  is the only criterion that the facility will "contribute to a diversity of uses in the area and make a lively and engaging place"?  What are the other factors for the decision?  If it is the only one, then it should be a Conditional Use (C) rather than a requirement for a Use Review (U).

How is this to be determined?  Would it be based on adjacent uses that are the same, thereby reducing diversity?
  Over what distance?  Would multiple tenants of the same use but at a lower threshold mean that diversity is maintained because they are different tenants?
Is this on a per tenant basis? A per building basis? A per property basis?
How would this work for someone actually running a commercial property.  Would a new use review be required
 every time you get a new tenant?
This would seem unrealistic.
Sorry this is at the last minute, but I thought it better to get this out today than bring it up in the meeting
Ken Wilson

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