[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Agenda Item 5.B. Proposed Ord. 7920 - Financial Assumptions

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Aug 20 12:57:16 MDT 2013

Sender: Gehr, David

Dear Council Members: 

A council member posed the following question and comment earlier this week to the council agenda committee:
There was confusion and concern at the August 6 meeting surrounding the extent to which details about the following can be discussed in public without impairing
 the City’s position in negotiation and litigation related to forming a Municipal Utility. 

Council requests specific advice from the CAO about the limits of discussion of these topics prior to the August 20 meeting.
The staff acknowledges that there was some confusion about which numbers lead into to litigation strategy and which numbers were public information.  In the
 materials for tonight’s meeting, there is an explanation of what items went into the $214 million amount that the council was considering for the ballot measure for proposed Ordinance 7920.  

A great deal of the additional information related to the financial assumptions that went into the modeling can be found in the February 26, 2013 city council
 study session materials in Attachment D.   See Attachment D on page 53 of the
February 26, 2013 study session packet
 (control-click to go to the packet).    That attachment includes many of the key assumptions and inputs for the 2012-2013 modeling effort. 

Staff from the Energy Strategy and Electric Utility Development put together a summary document that summarizes a great deal of the information that is included
 in the attachment for your convenience.  A copy of that summary is attached to this communication.
City Attorney Tom Carr will also be at the meeting this evening to help the council guide its discussion between matters associated with both policy making
 and those that are anticipated to be the subject of future litigation.
David Gehr, Deputy City Attorney
Boulder City Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 791

1777 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80306
ph. 303 441-3020
fax. 303 441 3859
gehrd at bouldercolorado.gov
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