[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: FasTracks update

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Mar 7 12:25:09 MST 2012

Sender: Appelbaum, Matt

Colleagues - I've attached a long update on FasTracks issues; see the file named "Hotline..."  Other attachments provide the latest information from RTD, the US36 MCC, and Congressman Polis.  Sorry it is so late, but I only today was able to get some additional information that I needed.
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Name: Board Pres 3_5_12.ppt
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 1454592 bytes
Desc: Board Pres 3_5_12.ppt
Url : http://list.ci.boulder.co.us/pipermail/bouldercouncilhotline/attachments/20120307/b772fbde/attachment.obj 
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Name: 2-17-2012 MCC Letter to RTD edited 3-1-12.docx
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 21606 bytes
Desc: 2-17-2012 MCC Letter to RTD edited 3-1-12.docx
Url : http://list.ci.boulder.co.us/pipermail/bouldercouncilhotline/attachments/20120307/b772fbde/attachment-0001.obj 
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Name: Rep Polis letter to GM Washington - Final.pdf
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 1316603 bytes
Desc: Rep Polis letter to GM Washington - Final.pdf
Url : http://list.ci.boulder.co.us/pipermail/bouldercouncilhotline/attachments/20120307/b772fbde/attachment-0002.obj 
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Name: Hotline on RTD NW Corridor 030512.docx
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 25417 bytes
Desc: Hotline on RTD NW Corridor 030512.docx
Url : http://list.ci.boulder.co.us/pipermail/bouldercouncilhotline/attachments/20120307/b772fbde/attachment-0003.obj 
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Name: 3_5_12 APE Board Report on Optionsv4.docx
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 992785 bytes
Desc: 3_5_12 APE Board Report on Optionsv4.docx
Url : http://list.ci.boulder.co.us/pipermail/bouldercouncilhotline/attachments/20120307/b772fbde/attachment-0004.obj 

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