[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: First reading questions on Goss Grove rezoning

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Jun 12 18:52:02 MDT 2012

Sender: Wilson, Ken

The following are questions that I would like staff to address before the council discussion in July on rezoning the Goss-Grove neighborhood.  Let me know if any of these questions are unclear.

Ken Wilson

1.  What is the objective for this rezoning?  If the only difference between the zones is that you can have 1 unit instead of 2 on a 6,000 sqft lot, why is that a priority in this area?
2.  Why is it important to reduce the number of families being housed in this zone, within the same total allowable building area?
3.  Why would the housing stock be more likely to be preserved as it is now, with RMX, over RH-2 if the houses are both as easily remodeled or demolished in either zone?
4.  Why are we downzoning so much of this neighborhood with CU increasing their population of students to the south of Arapahoe?
5.  How will this re-zoning affect Naropa's ability to add housing in this area?
6.  Why are we making it impossible to have retail and other commercial uses along Arapahoe in this area?
7.  Are there any PUDs currently in this zone that would be impacted should they come back for SPR?  Naropa?  Others?
8.  Is it true that either of the land use designations can support RH-2 zoning?  If not, would we need to go back and redo the Land Use map in order to designate any of the properties RMX-1, or is there another way to do that?
9.  I have been contacted by a property owner who owns a 7 unit apartment in Goss Grove.  He is concerned that he could not rebuild an equivalent 7 unit building if the current building is destroyed by fire or flood, because of the height limitations in the zone and current flood requirements.  The building is in the 100 year flood zone, as are many in that neighborhood, and he would be required to raise the building 4 or 5 feet because of our 100 year flood requirements.  Would it be appropriate to consider height exceptions in this zone for this type of issue now, or wait until we review our flood requirements in a few months?  I believe the height limit is 35 feet in either zone we are considering, but I would like confirmation of that.

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