[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Safe Streets Report
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Feb 14 08:43:22 MST 2012
Sender: Becker, KC
The Safe Streets Report was included in our most Recent Information Packet. This study analyzes more than 8,000 collisions in Boulder - involving motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians - over a 40-month period.
The Daily Camera reported on the study last week, but I've just had a chance to review the report, and read the article and some of the comments I've received about the report.
As a press release from the city states, "safety of flashing crosswalks has been an underlying community conversation, but the results show that collisions in these crosswalks account for less than 1 percent of all collisions." The report states that crosswalks of all types account for 44% of accidents involving pedestrian and 56% of accidents involving bike, but only 6% of those took place in a flashing crosswalk.
I'm concerned that this statistic is misleading and I'd like clarification from staff, and if necessary, a revision to the report.
I believe that there are 18 flashing crosswalks in Boulder. There are of course thousands of non-flashing crosswalks at intersections across the city. It could be argued that collisions in flashing crosswalks are rare because flashing crosswalks are rare, while collisions in crosswalks with intersections account for a higher percentage of the total accidents because there are so many crosswalks at intersections.
In order to understand whether the flashing crosswalks are more or less dangerous than crosswalks at intersections, we need data on the collision rates data on the collision rates comparing the types of crosswalks. This analysis is important for when we consider whether installing more of this type of flashing crosswalk makes sense. Looking at it this way, I think the statistic would show that the accident rate for intersection crosswalks is lower than the accident rate for flashing crosswalks. Assuming this, I'd like to know from staff if and how this revised look at the statistics should inform us about the safety and future use of flashing crosswalks.
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