[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: West TSA questions for the public
kohls at bouldercolorado.gov
kohls at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Mar 14 09:04:21 MDT 2011
Sender: Wilson, Ken
I wanted to put a few questions to the public that I hope people and organizations can address Tuesday evening during Public Participation. I wanted to get them out ahead of time so people can give them some thought. These questions are not for staff to answer.
I an writing this from Beijing, where I was invited to speak on smart grids, and my only access is via iPhone. So please forgive the brevity.
What areas of West TSA are most important to protect for wildlife?
Dog Advocates
How do we get better compliance with existing rules?
How can we decrease unpleasant confrontations between dogs and others on the trail?
Anti Dog Advocates
How do we justify closing existing multiuse trails to people who won't use them without their dogs?
The main trails where the most conflicts occur are not the trails proposed for closure to dogs. How does this help?
Bike Advocates
How could we make a NS connector trail for Boulder residents that would not become a destination trail that needs parking?
How could we keep bikes off no-bike trails if we establish a new NS connector?
Do bikes cause additional trail erosion and if do, how can that be avoided?
How could we keep bikers on a NS connector from endangering pedestrians crossing their paths on other trails?
Anti-bike Advocates
How do we insure the safety of young people who want to bike to the Doudy Draw area for recreation without a NS connector?
How do we justify a large void in biking opportunities on the West TSA?
If many young people primarily bike for recreation, how do we engage them in preservation when we don't allow biking use anywhere in large tracts of Open Space?
Scientific papers indicate that biking is no more disruptive to wildlife than hiking. Is there information to the contrary?
I hope these questions are helpful. These are difficult issues, with a divided community.
I would like to point out in closing that I was surprised to find out that Beijing has a law against big dogs and Shanghai just put in place a law that restricts people to having only one dog per dwelling. An interesting and different world.
I will be back for the Tuesday evening meeting.
Ken Wilson
Sent from my iPhone
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